Our Core Values

The We Recover Group believes that having a strong set of values and ethics is vital to the success of our organization and the community we serve.


We define sobriety as a complete abstinence from all drugs and alcohol. Regardless of the legality of some substances (e.g marijuana, alcohol, kratom, etc.) the organization supports and encourages abstinence from all mind altering substances.


We have no official religious affiliations. If religious or church related resources are available in our area they will be provided to individuals with all other resources equally. We acknowledge that addiction affects individuals from all backgrounds and beliefs and that the effectiveness of recovery programs differ between individuals.

We do not favor any one method of recovery over another. We acknowledge that different programs and methods work differently for all people. The organization will provide complete and unbiased information on all addiction related resources in our area.


We do not give advice. Our goal is simply to provide clear and unbiased information. While we may tell others of our own personal recovery and what has worked or did not work for us, we will never tell an individual what they should or should not do. Under no circumstances will our members give medical advice or any sort of information that may be confused as such. In the event of a medical emergency we will direct individuals to the appropriate medical professionals


We hold all identities anonymous. All individuals that receive support or communicate with us will not be named nor will any of their information be shared without consent.